A chicken crossed a road in South Africa and here are the comments:
ESKOM: I do not care as long as he saved 10% electricity crossing the road.
NAAS BOTHA: Aan die einde van die dag maak dit nie saak hoeveel keer hy oor
die straat is nie. Wat saak maak is die telbord.
NELSON MANDELA: It was his long walk to freedom. A true Rainbow chicken.
PIETER-DIRK UYS: Was it a he-chicken of 'n she-chicken? Does it Pik?
ALLAN BOESAK: How can the motives of a chicken who had done so much for
Chicken-hood be questioned? It must have 'struggled' to cross the road.
PRAVIN GORDHAN: Makes me think: we don't tax chickens crossing roads yet....
VAN SCHALKWYK: Let's join the chicken and cross the road!
DESMOND TUTU: We should have crossed the road with him. Together we will
make a difference
THABO MBEKI: I don't really have an opinion about this...
MARK SHUTTLEWORTH: I would have paid a million to see the chicken cross the
Monday smile: A chicken crossed the road…in SA
Monday smile: A chicken crossed the road…in SA
08 Oct 2012 - by The Editor
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