Oranjekom Gorge cottage in Augrabies Falls National Park, South Africa was officially opened on April 14.
This facility is is located beneath the viewpoint of the Oranjekom Gorge, offering views of the Orange River flowing 240 metres below. Guests can enjoy a one bedroom apartment with a fully-equipped self-catering kitchen and separate ablution facilities. The unit also caters for guests with mobility impairment.
The new facility is the first step of plans to develop the destination.
The Department Economic Development and Tourism (DEDAT) deem it very important to develop quality tourist attractions in the Northern Cape said the department’s Drinie Samson, adding that it’s always a pleasure to work with SANParks as they take good care of facilities within their jurisdiction.
Lucius Moolman, General Manager of the Arid Region, and Frans van Rooyen, Park Manager, expressed their gratitude to DEDAT for contributing R300 000 towards the construction of this establishment.