SOUTHERN Africa receives only 1,8% of global tourism arrivals and 1% of world tourism receipts, according to Remmy Makumbe, acting chief director of the
Southern African Development Community (SADC) secretariat.
He told a hospitality investment conference hosted by the Tourism Business Council of SA (TBCSA) in Cape Town that currently tourists to the region didn't spend enough because of insufficient tourism experiences and value offerings.
He said prerequisites for tourism investment in SADC included a universal visa ('uni-visa') for the SADC region which should be in place in time for the World Cup in 2010.
2010 was also a key milestone for liberalising air transport in SADC, with an implementation plan for opening Southern African skies expected to be announced after the WTTC summit in September 2008.
Another challenge to be overcome was electricity supply in the region, which was expected to outstrip demand by 2010.
He said SADC aimed to use the World Cup as a springboard for tourism growth in the region and to position brand Southern Africa. All SADC countries needed to contribute to and benefit from the hosting of the event.
SADC's tourism lagging behind
SADC's tourism lagging behind
03 Oct 2007 - by Hilka Birns
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