The Western Cape will be implementing the 21 day lock down period as per the announcement by the president yesterday evening.
The announcement was “welcomed” by both Western Cape Premier, Alan Winde and Mayor of Cape Town, Dan Plato in statements each of them.
FEDHASA Cape Chairperson, Jeff Rosenberg, applauded the government for offering financial assistance in the tourism industry, while noting that the industry awaits the necessary information and access as well as further clear instructions on the role of accommodation establishments during the lockdown.
According to Rosenberg many of FEDHASA’s members were worried about the financial effort it would take to support the process of a lockdown. “Our first point of concern in a crisis like this is for our people,” explained Rosenberg, adding that some members had reported having an available cash flow for as little as 60 days.
“What we have seen globally over the past few months, has been unprecedented in recent history,” said Winde. He added that while such announcements may cause anxiety, he wasn’t to reassure residents that measures will be “effectively implemented to ensure that residents remain safe and healthy”.
Plato asked city residents to comply with the regulations of the lockdown period saying; “Please stay home, look after one another, and check official government channels for regular updates.”
The Western Cape leaders have urged citizens to avoid “panic buying” of groceries, assuring that shops will be open during the lockdown. “The agricultural and retail sectors have already assured the public that there is sufficient food supply,” said Plato.