Nigel Vere Nicoll, Chief Executive and founder member of African Travel and Tourism Association (Atta) will step down from his position, effective May 2016.
Vere Nicoll has run and been a part of Atta for 20 years and will officially step down at Indaba next year. “We have a board meeting the day before Indaba, which will be exactly 20 years since I started, and I will be stepping down then.”
He is well known across the industry and has shown unique qualities, skill and experience over two decades that he has used to raise Atta to the influential position it now holds as the voice of African tourism.
It is envisaged that he will retain a senior role within the company, which will also ensure a smooth transition for his successor. Vere Nicoll wants to work on the broader side of the tourism industry and will look to form a small group and a collective tourism voice with leaders of the industry.
“I will also look into the development of cross-border tourism, which I think is the future for Africa.” He also wants to encourage the younger generation to join the tourism industry.
“I am extremely sad to be stepping down but I won’t be leaving as I will still be there. The whole association is a big part of my heart and it has been a great privilege to run Atta.”
Atta and the Board of Directors are looking within the tourism industry for a replacement and for someone who can help take the company forward.
The Chief Executive of Atta holds a respected and important role in the tourism industry and applicants for this position must have worked in the tourism trade at senior level. Applicants should email attaching a brief CV. Suitable candidates will then be sent a more detailed job description taking the application to the next stage.