The Khomani San are one of the oldest African tribes, and Boesmanrus in the Northern Cape’s Kalahari Desert, near the Kgalagadi National Park, is offering travellers the opportunity to immerse themselves in the cultures and traditions of the tribe.
Called a ‘living museum’, the authentic Bushman experience was created by local tourism business owner, Barbara Raats, whose heritage lies in the Khomani San, and it is from her culture that Raats developed this experience.
“My husband and I built authentic grass huts so that guests can stay according to our tradtions,” says Raats, who also collaborates with other small businesses within the community to add to her guests’ overall experience.
“It gives visitors a real-time experience of the Khomani San history, as well our contemporary culture and creative arts,” she continues. “They go on a guided walk, tracking animals, learning about plants, and observing how we made beads and necklaces using treasures from the veld (grasslands) like eggshell, porcupine quills and kameeldoringpeule (pulp from the camelthorn tree).”