Dr Salifou Siddo is a veteran of the tourism industry. He is a graduate of the Pennsylvania State University in the USA, where he studied Communications as a Fulbright student.
In 1998 he joined SANParks as Head of Communications. After which, he became the founding CEO of the Tourism Grading Council of South Africa (TGCSA) in 2001 where he served for six years before moving on to take up a directorship at Zatic Group (Pty) Ltd. Dr Siddo became CEO of Tourism Enterprise Partnership (TEP) in 2011. Under his leadership TEP established the first tourism SMME incubator in South Africa and the first fund dedicated to providing access to finance to small tourism businesses, the Ikwezi Tourism Facility, in a partnership with SEFA. When the TEP mandate came to an end in December 2016, Dr Siddo moved on to establish SME TradeLinks (Pty) Ltd.
Salifou Siddo