Dear SAA Customer
In recent weeks, daily lives have changed beyond recognition as a result of the Covid 19 global pandemic.
During this time, South African Airways has been at the forefront of helping customers travel to where they need to be. I would like to thank all our staff for their tireless dedication to duty in difficult times.
As you may be aware, the South African government has declared a total lockdown, which starts at midnight tonight and will last 21 days. This measure is essential in combatting the spread of the Covid 19 virus.
As a result, we announced the temporary suspension of all flights across the SAA network with effect from Friday 27th March 2020 until 16th April 2020. We aim to recommence domestic services between Johannesburg and Cape Town on 17th April 2020.
Furthermore, we shall be suspending all the usual services we provide to support our customers, including the call centre. This enables us to keep our staff at home and comply with the lockdown on non-essential services.
For those customers holding unused SAA tickets, there’s no need to worry and no need to contact us now. All customers holding an unused ticket will be able to use its full value as a credit for travel on any SAA service over the next two years up to and including 24th March 2022. We will also permit a free name change if you no longer wish to travel. This is part of SAA’s commitment to support our customers in these unprecedented times.
For further information, please visit our website, and naturally we will keep the site updated throughout the Covid 19 crisis.
On behalf of everyone at SAA, keep safe and keep well.
Yours faithfully
Zuks Ramasia
Acting CEO
South African Airways