Dates for the fourth OurAfrica.Travel virtual trade show have been confirmed as February 20-24, 2023. The show will run for one week as opposed to two weeks as it has in the past.
“We have taken on board some of the feedback from the last show, and because teams are still stretched post-pandemic, we have decided to condense the show to one week for 2023 so that buyers can better focus their time and attention on having productive meetings for themselves as they choose whom they want to meet,” said event co-organiser, Allie Hunt.
However, as in previous years, there will again be no cost for travel agents, tour operators, media, or travel buyers to participate, and the costs for exhibitors will be kept affordable.
To watch the Save The Date video for the event click here.
The show will focus on making a positive impact on conservation and community, with some of the proceeds being donated to two nominated charities. The recipients for 2022 were ‘For Rangers’, which raises funds for anti-poaching rangers across Africa, and the ‘Mukambi Community School’ in Zambia’s Kafue National Park.
Prizes for the agents and operators who attend and engage in the event will also be available.
This year, the virtual trade show ran from March 22 to April 1, with 9 794 one-to-one meetings, over 51 000 networking chats, and 128 000 profile visits taking place across multiple time zones over the two weeks.
The show connected over 500 buyers from around the world with 240 exhibitors based in Africa and the Indian Ocean islands. To watch the wrap-up video from this year’s event, click here.