Namibia is upgrading Hosea Kutako International Airport, which is situated over the Khomas Mountains some 45 kms east of Windhoek.
Leake Hangala, Namibia Airports Company (NAC) Board Chairperson, announced on November 7 that the Namibian Government has approved a N$245 million (€15.2m) upgrade for the airport.
According to Hangala, the upgrades will cover the revamp and modernisation of the check-in and departure halls, security screening points, arrival halls and luggage handling areas, as well as ventilation systems.
Moreover, upgrades will be done with the installation of a closed-circuit television system, intrusion detection systems, introduction of the latest technology and software systems related to self-check-in, and screening machines for passengers and luggage.
“The airport has reached its limit concerning capacity, and therefore requires urgent expansion and upgrading to meet the demands of increasing aircraft and passenger numbers, as well as more stringent international security and safety requirements,” Hangala said.
Upgrades construction is expected to start in March 2019 and complete same year in October 2019. The upgrade process will have minimal effect on the current airport operations, which will continue as usual.
The upgrades are expected to help Namibia unlock its tourism potential and assist in driving the country’s logistics sector, which has been identified as one of the industries with great potential to drive economic growth.