E Tourism Frontiers CEO, Damian Cook, gives you 10 steps to your business’s success online:
1) Strategise for change: Develop an e-marketing strategy; start reallocating traditional budgets; reinvest 25% in online at first; set realistic time goals.
2) Build internal resources in your company: Read about, learn and join online communities; don’t be scared off by online geeks and gurus; bring in some interns or hire some students to help you set it up and ultimately appoint a full-time online content manager.
3) Redevelop your website: Plan it strategically; focus on room for growth; make it socially driven; link it into your social media profile.
4) Go social: Use social media in all you do; make it part of what you do; update posts regularly and make relationships online with clients.
5) Be content driven: Focus on content, your own and users’.
6) Engage with people: Talk to your users; interact on Twitter – it’s a great tool for crowd sourcing; get their opinions and respond to them; don’t deny, challenge or fight them, rather ask them to collaborate with you.
7) Have fun: Social media is still infotainment, so be yourself, be personal and personable; encourage sharing of information.
8) Don’t forget to make money: Don’t get carried away with the cool stuff and having fun; focus on conversion to sale; invest in promotions.
9) Keep changing: Use as much multi-visual media as you can; include mobile; be visual, react and respond to trends; give feedback and data; use new technology and innovation.
10) Keep an open mind: The future may not be what you think; keep retraining, studying and engaging; stay social and keep talking.