Rangers at the Addo Elephant National Park have received equipment worth more than R500 000 from Unitrans, providers of supply chain and logistics solutions, to assist in the battle against rhino poaching.
The binoculars, tents, sleeping bags, backpacks and chest webbing will be used during day and night patrols to prevent potential poachers from entering the park.
The sponsorship also covers helicopter flying time to aid monitoring of the park's wildlife as well as advanced training for selected rangers.
Unitrans has also sponsored various monitoring systems in the area, including cameras, that detect threats to wildlife in the park.
The handover forms part of the ongoing national sponsorship agreement between Unitrans Volkswagen & Audi Division and the SANParks Honorary Rangers, which was officially launched in September 2011.
For each new and used vehicle retailed at the 13 participating Unitrans dealerships, R500 is donated to counter-poaching efforts in SA’s national parks.
Addo rangers equipped to fight poaching
Addo rangers equipped to fight poaching
30 May 2012 - by The Editor
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