After a series of consultative processes and negotiations with various stakeholders and shareholders on its brand journey, Limpopo Tourism Agency (LTA) has launched its new brand.
In June, LTA held a media colloquium to challenge the province’s lack of a unique differentiator. For the past two years LTA had been using a logo that was similar to the one used by Brand South Africa, which caused further confusion.
This confusion resulted in the agency conducting research on what people thought about the province. The media launch of the new LTA brand, which took place on September 30, is part of a series of processes that include consultation with the industry, the public, the MEC, as well as members of the portfolio committee on Economic Development, Environment and Tourism.

The new logo is set to completely change the image of the agency. LTA Spokesperson, Mike Tautsoala, says: “After the launch, Limpopo will never be the same again and there will no longer be confusion. We thank the media representatives who helped to shape the new look of Limpopo Province in the marketing space and for having been part of the change we will witness today.”
According to LTA Board Chairperson, Andrew Dipela, Limpopo is in the top three most-visited provinces by international tourists in the country. “The new brand will be a product not only owned by LTA but something we will all be proud of as South Africans. We rely on media as our critical partners to popularise this brand, which is the reason we called you here. It is our hope that this brand will get equal buy-in from all Limpopo citizens across the board.”