Somkhanda Game Reserve, a community reserve covering over 12 000 hectres of land in northern KwaZulu-Natal, owned by the Emvokweni Community Trust (ECT) and co-managed with WILDLANDS, a programme of WILDTRUST, has earned its Big Five status and has announced its latest development – the Somkhanda Community Conservation Centre.
Somkhanda, one of the elephant bulls on the reserve. Credits: Milton Media.
Established in 2005, the reserve currently employs over 80 community members on a full-time basis. This number is set to increase with WILDTRUST, in partnership with the ECT, developing the Somkhanda Community Conservation Centre, with a vision of providing a vibrant learning, capacity building and eco-tourism space that will underwrite the viability of the reserve for its future generations, ensuring the empowerment and upliftment of the Gumbi people.
“Somkhanda is an example of what can be achieved in rural land reform and transformation in South Africa. The project is led by a visionary leadership who want to make a contribution to conservation and at the same time create wealth for their community. We are extremely fortunate and honoured to be associated with this success story and excited to see it develop over the next 10 years,” comments Dr. Roelie Kloppers, WILDLANDS Executive Director.
Somkhanda has a population of rhino which are dehorned to deter poachers. Credits: Milton Media.
“We are all excited and hopeful that these new developments will take us forward and bring a better life for our community and produce future managers for Somkhanda tourism. We have no doubt that the WILDLANDS mentorship and management, as we have had it over the past 15 years, will yield positive results for our community,” comments Nathi Gumbi, Emvokweni Community Trust member.
Following the recent signing of a new 10-year agreement with the ECT, Dave Moldenhauer, WILDLANDS Wildlife Economy Deputy Director, is positive that all the important conservation work that has already been achieved on the reserve will continue, cementing it firmly as a signature WILDTRUST biodiversity economy project. “This development will promote growth which will see the Gumbi community gain more access to the reserve as well as open more eco-tourism and education opportunities,” added Moldenhauer.
Somkhanda will continue to offer practical and theoretical learning, across a wide range of conservation management and ecological research modules. It will host group tours for academic field trips and youth development as well as volunteer and internship opportunities through an academically stimulating programme that is insightful and dynamic.
This will be led by the WILDTRUST Learning and Development programme to further shape Somkhanda into a sustainable development space. “Through the various training modules we will provide, we will seek to address a shift in values, thinking and knowledge that is crucial in making the changes sustainable in the long term. We believe that this will provide Somkhanda the capacity it requires to lead them into a sustainable future,” said Manqoba Sabela, WILDTRUST Deputy Director – Training.
Guest accommodation at Somkhanda. Credits: Milton Media.
For more information, or to find out how to support conservation activities at the reserve and access volunteer opportunities or available accommodation, email /