line-height:150%;font-family:"Century Gothic",sans-serif;color:black'>As per protocol, this morning, the National Minister of Health, Zweli Mkhize, announced that there has been the first laboratory confirmed case of COVID-19, commonly referred to as the Coronavirus, in the Western Cape.
line-height:150%;font-family:"Century Gothic",sans-serif;color:black'> This follows official confirmation of a positive test from the National Institute of Communicable Diseases, dated 11 March 2020.
line-height:150%;font-family:"Century Gothic",sans-serif;color:black'> The patient is a 36-year-old male in the City of Cape Town. He presented himself to a private healthcare facility with flu-like symptoms and a recent travel history to Europe.
line-height:150%;font-family:"Century Gothic",sans-serif;color:black'> As per set procedures, medical professionals ensured that the person was kept in isolation for the last 48 hours (since 9 March 2020) until the laboratory tests could be confirmed.
line-height:150%;font-family:"Century Gothic",sans-serif;color:black'> Our Outbreak Response team has been activated with health authorities (including the City of Cape Town), in association with NICD, and the team is following up all the known contacts of this patient.
line-height:150%;font-family:"Century Gothic",sans-serif;color:black'> Contacts, including those on the flight, will be followed up and monitored for the next two weeks, as per the World Health Organisation guidelines. The travel history and movements of the person will be traced in order to ensure containment.
line-height:150%;font-family:"Century Gothic",sans-serif;color:black'> Earlier this week, I activated the Joint Operations Centre (JOC) to ensure our preparedness to respond to the Coronavirus and 7 work-streams have been established to ensure a coordinated response. I have convened a Special Cabinet on Friday where we will receive a report back on their work.
line-height:150%;font-family:"Century Gothic",sans-serif;color:black'>Every resident of the Western Cape has a role to play in limiting the spread of the Coronavirus.
line-height:150%;font-family:"Century Gothic",sans-serif;color:black'>Firstly, it is important that we stay calm and follow the direction of the NICD, regarding testing and, if necessary, isolation. They are following international best-practise and have you, and your fellow residents, best interest at heart.
line-height:150%;font-family:"Century Gothic",sans-serif;color:black'> Secondly, if you have flu-like symptoms and have travelled internationally or have been in contact with someone who has travelled internationally, you should call the dedicated Coronavirus Hotline, operated by the NICD, on 0800 029 999.
line-height:150%;font-family:"Century Gothic",sans-serif;color:black'> Thirdly, we can help protect ourselves and our families, by practising good hygiene, such as washing your hands regularly and thoroughly and coughing or sneezing into a tissue or the corner of your arm. More information on basic good hygiene practises can be found on our dedicated webpage: 11.0pt;line-height:150%;font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif;color:black'> color:black'>.