In the aftermath of the recent taxi strike in the Western Cape, industry indicated that it had not severely affected bookings to the province.
In our latest poll, 72% of readers indicated that they did not experience any booking cancellations due to the strike, and 28% said they did experience cancellations.
BRICS tourism boost?
With delegates from Africa, Brazil, Russia, India and China in Gauteng this week for the 15th BRICS Summit, one of the big topics of conversation is not only the possibility of a BRICS currency and the de-dollarisation of trade, but the fact that 40 countries want to join the BRICS bloc.
Around 23 countries have reportedly applied, including Egypt, Nigeria, Argentina, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. There’s no question that tourism from the current BRICS countries has increased since South Africa joined BRICS in 2010.
Tourism Update would therefore like to know from readers this week: