Artist and activist Benjamin Von Wong has started an art frenzy which he titles the “Strawpocalypse” where he uses plastic draws – one of the greatest scourges of the ocean – as a tool to bring awareness to plastic pollution.
His latest installation sees tens of thousands of straws fitted to a structure that forms an ocean wave. It features green, blue, and black straws for water, clear straws for the surf's froth, and yellow straws for sand.
“There's only so many times you can show depressing images of plastics clogging up our oceans before people tune off,” he said. “It takes art and inspirational stories to keep people motivated and interested on a regular basis — and for them to inspire those around them. The more top of mind a problem is, the more chance a solution has of gaining traction”, said Von Wong.
The project is currently on display in Estella Place in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, through April 24, after which Benjamin hopes another institution, business, or collector will acquire and transport the work.
The structure features 168 000 straws and stands 3 meters tall.