The following airlines fly into East London Airport:
South African Airways
SA471 departs Johannesburg at 10h05 and arrives at 11h35. The return flight SA476 departs at 12h05 and arrives back in Johannesburg at 13h30. Daily.
SA475 departs Johannesburg at 15h30 and arrives at 16h55. The return flight SA480 departs at 17h25 and arrives in Johannesburg at 18h50. Daily.
SA Express
SA1301 departs Durban at 06h00 and arrives at 07h00. The return flight SA1302 departs at 07h35 and arrives in Durban at 08h35. Monday-Friday.
SA1305 departs Durban at 12h05 and arrives at 13h05. The return flight SA1306 departs at 13h35 and arrives in Durban at 14h35. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
SA1369 departs Cape Town at 12h25 and arrives at 13h50. The return flight SA1370 departs at 14h20 and arrives in Cape Town at 16h00. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
SA1309 departs Durban at 16h50 and arrives at 17h55. The return flight SA 1310 departs at 18h10 and arrives in Durban at 19h25. Monday-Friday and Sundays.
SA 1375 departs Cape Town at 17h20 and arrives at 19h05. The return flight SA1376 departs at 19h50 and arrives in Cape Town at 21h50. Monday-Friday and Sundays.
SA1409 departs Johannesburg at 17h55 and arrives at 19h25. The return flight SA1410 departs at 20h00 and arrives in Johannesburg at 21h40. Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays.
SA1371 departs Cape Town at 13h05 and arrives at 14h30. The return flight SA1372 departs at 15h10 and arrives in Cape Town at 16h50. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Sundays.
SA 1375 departs Cape Town at 17h20 and arrives at 19h05. The return flight SA1376 departs at 19h50 and arrives in Cape Town at 21h50. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Sundays.
FA140 departs Cape Town at 06h30 and arrives at 08h05. The return flight FA141 departs at 08h30 and arrives in Cape Town at 09h50. Daily.
FA248 departs Johannesburg at 07h10 and arrives at 08h45. The return flight FA249 departs at 09h10 and arrives in Johannesburg at 10h35. Monday-Friday.
FA440 departs Durban at 10h00 and arrives at 11h05. The return flight FA441 departs at 11h30 and arrives in Durban at 12h30. Monday-Friday and Sundays.
FA142 departs Cape Town at 12h50 and arrives at 14h30. The return flight FA143 departs at 14h55 and arrives in Cape Town at 16h35. Monday-Friday.
FA442 departs Durban at 09h55 and arrives at 10h55. The return flight FA443 departs at 11h20 and arrives in Durban at 12h20. Saturdays.
FA442 departs Durban at 11h35 and arrives at 12h35. The return flight FA443 departs at 13h00 and arrives back in Durban at 14h00. Saturday.
FA144 departs Cape Town at 11h10 and arrives at 12h50. The return flight FA145 departs at 13h15 and arrives in Cape Town at 14h45. Saturdays.
FA244 departs Johannesburg at 15h35 and arrives at 17h10. The return flight FA245 departs at 17h35 and arrives in Johannesburg at 19h05. Saturdays.
FA246 departs Johannesburg at 11h15 and arrives at 12h45. The return flight FA247 departs at 13h10 and arrives in Johannesburg at 14h40. Sundays.
FA146 departs Cape Town at 11h55 and arrives at 13h45. The return flight FA147 departs at 14h10 and arrives in Cape Town at 15h40. Sundays.
MN801 departs Johannesburg at 06h45 and arrives at 08h15. The return flight MN802 departs at 09h00 and arrives in Johannesburg at 10h20. Monday-Friday and Sundays.
MN805 departs Johannesburg at 15h55 and arrives at 17h25. The return flight MN806 departs at 18h05 and arrives back at 19h30. Monday-Friday and Sundays.
MN803 departs Johannesburg at 14h55 and arrives at 16h25. The return flight MN804 departs at 17h05 and arrives back in Johannesburg at 18h30. Saturdays.
SA8480 departs Port Elizabeth at 07h00 and arrives at 07h45. The return flight SA8481 departs at 08h05 and arrives in Port Elizabeth at 08h55. Monday-Friday.
SA8488 departs Port Elizabeth at 16h15 and arrives at 17h00. The return flight SA8489 departs at 17h20 and arrives in Port Elizabeth at 18h10. Monday-Friday.