SATSA hosted a webinar last week to explain the COVID-19 UIF Beneficiary Process Temporary Employers Relief Scheme (TERS) application process.
The signing of the agreement between the Tourism Business Council of South Africa (TBCSA), the Department of Labour and the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) will expedite payments of benefits to employees affected by COVID-19.
Panellists for the webinar included CEO of TBCSA, Tshifhiwa Tshivhengwa; Managing Member of Connold & Associates, Desrae Connold; Managing Partner at SolomonHolmes, Anthony Solomon; and CEO of SATSA, David Frost.
The main point of the relief scheme is to ensure that UIF is paid quickly to those in the tourism industry. Those who registered asked how the process worked, what was needed from employees and employers to apply, and how did someone know they qualified for UIF TERS.
Please click on one of the audio or video links to listen to the full webinar.