THE South African Military History Society and the Ladysmith Siege Museum Trust are arranging a History Conference to coincide with the 110th Commemoration of the Anglo-Boer War in Ladysmith in January 2010. The month in which the conference is to take place coincides with the commemoration of three of the significant battles that took place during the Siege and Relief of Ladysmith in 1900, namely Caesar’s Camp / Wagon Hill (also known as Platrand), iNtabamnyama, and Spioenkop. Organisers plan to arrange tours to the battlefields featuring the Siege of Ladysmith, including the conventional Battles of Elandslaagte and Colenso, as well as a service of reconciliation on January 24, 2010 – the 110th anniversary of the famous Battle of Spioenkop. Details of the event are still to be finalised but likely dates are January 25 and 26, 2010. Interested speakers and academics are invited to contact the KwaZulu-Natal branch of the South African Military History Society’s representative on the organising committee, Ken Gillings at or chairman of the Siege Museum Trust, Eugene Campher, at
Anglo-Boer War 110th Anniversary Conference planned for 2010
Anglo-Boer War 110th Anniversary Conference planned for 2010
15 Jan 2009 - by Natasha Schmidt
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