With the merger of Welcome Tourism Services, Your Africa, Focus Tours and SST, internal staffing changes have been made at Tourvest DMC.
Tourvest DMC‘s Chief Operating Officer, Martin Botha says “Being in the service business means being highly driven by people and for people. We understand the value that each member of our team plays at Tourvest DMC and credit our year-on-year success to our passionate and dedicated people. Our dynamic sales duo, Suzanne Benadie and Simona Battani head up the consolidated sales team and our operations department is headed up by Andrea Hand, Merle Kwan and Paola Catinella who run the newly streamlined operations segments.”
Many of our top management staff started off as tour guides and have extensive operational knowledge of the travel trade at every level.
Tourvest DMC’s team of 140 people is led by Martin Botha, Chief Operating Officer, who has been with the company for 19 years.
Suzanne Benadie is our Sales Director overseeing the UK, Greater Europe, Japan, South East Asia, India, and North America. She runs our sales force alongside Simona Battani who oversees Southern Europe, South America, Australia, New Zealand and Russia. Their team of market managers includes:
- Masa Yamawaki, Market Manager for Japan, South East Asia and Scandinavia
- Kingsby Senoamali, Market Manager for North America and Africa
- Janine Bünsow, Market Manager for Germany, Switzerland and Austria
- Esther Ruempol, Market Manager for the Benelux
- Victoria Rodenacker, Market Manager for Spain, South America, Australia and New Zealand
Our Business Development and Contracting department is headed up by Renier Friis, General Manager: Business Development & Contracting and our new Marketing Manager is Sethu Komani.
In operations we have, Andrea Hand who is our Operations Director overseeing the Australian, New Zealand, North American, Benelux and Emerging Markets departments. Merle Kwan is our Operations Director overseeing operations for Japan, South East Asia, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and the UK. Finally, we have Paola Catinella, Operations Director for Italy and South America as well as our adhoc Groups and Series departments.
Tourvest DMC still has its global on the ground representation in the USA, Spain, Italy, India and the UK and will continue to expand in future.