A major revamping of Moi International Airport in Mombasa, Kenya, is under way, expected to be complete in two years. The project will cost KSh7 billion (€60m), partially funded by the French Development Agency (FDA) and Kenya Airports Authority (KAA), with the consultancy service being sponsored by the World Bank.
✈Today we launched the rehabilitation works of#Mombasainternational#airportin the presence of@MombasaCountyKe@tunajibu@JamesMacharia_@EstherKoimettand@AlineMenagerA new airport means more tourism and more jobs! ✈pic.twitter.com/JqZfq6aj3X
— AFD_en (@AFD_en)November 20, 2018
During the groundbreaking ceremony on November 20, Transport Cabinet Secretary, James Macharia, said the project would see the rehabilitation of the airport’s airside pavements and airfield ground lighting system.
Happening now: CS@JamesMacharia_at Moi Intl. Airport to break ground for a project that will see the rehabilitation of airport’s Airside Pavements & Airfield Ground Lighting System. CS Macharia is accompanied by his Tourism counterpart @tunajibu & Transport PS @EstherKoimett.pic.twitter.com/jdf7zdn0WQ
— MinistryofTransport (@TransportKE) November 20, 2018
KAA Managing Director, Jonny Anderson, said the works would further include the rehabilitation of the runway pavements, reconstruction of parts of the taxiways and aprons, as well as removal and replacement of pre-cast concrete slabs. Speaking during the groundbreaking ceremony, Macharia said the revamp would also help to maintain the airport’s excellent safety record and enhance its efficiency. Business Daily quoted Macharia saying: “Moi International Airport is the main airport serving the coastal area and the principal port of entry for tourists, business travellers and others visiting the region, both from within and without the country. It is worth noting that 80% of international tourists and the overwhelming majority of other visitors travel into the country by air.” Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary for Tourism and Wildlife, Najib Balala, said: “45% of Gross Domestic Product in the coastal region is from toursm. Rehabilitation of Moi International Airport will attract more international airlines to boost the economy for the people in the region.” “We at KAA will not rest on our laurels, but will work hand-in-hand with the government, aviation stakeholders and development partners to ensure that we grow the aviation industry in Kenya, and provide stress-free travel to all our customers,” said Anderson.
Pavement rehabilitation works at Moi Intl. Airport are divided into 3 parts i.e Civil Works which comprises of: Rehabilitation of the entire runway pavements, Reconstruction of some sections of the taxiways, and aprons and removal and replacement of pre-cast concrete slabs. pic.twitter.com/mEi29w218O
— Kenya Airports (@KenyaAirports) November 20, 2018
The restoration of the pavements is expected to give a lifespan on 20 to 25 years, as the last rehabilitation was done in 1994.