Durban Tourism is hoping to develop and enhance the culture of eco-tourism through the creation of initiatives like Durban Green Corridors.
A non-profit organisation, Durban Green Corridors works in partnership with the eThekwini Municipality and other stakeholders to address three needs: youth development, economic upliftment and environmental stewardship. It seeks to maximise the potential of nature’s open spaces and strengthen community custodianship of them.
Initiatives include facilitating poverty reduction through eco-tourism and environmental stewardship. The initiative promotes a host of tourism activities across niches that include cultural, adventure and nature tourism.
According to Phillip Sithole, Head of Durban Tourism, KwaZulu Natal attracts many eco-travellers. “We are hoping that this sector grows our numbers in tourism, attracts new markets and increases youth travel.
“I do believe that we have the natural resources and potential to develop this sector of travel,” says Sithole. “However more awareness, integration of local communities and educational campaigns need to take place if we want to see real impact and benefit to the industry.”
Sithole says tourism authorities need to work closely with the community tourism offices to ensure that products and routes are properly packaged. It’s also up to authorities to help ensure that natural assets are not adversely affected by an influx of tourists. “We also need to be mindful that the local communities also need to benefit and be protected and respected through tourism initiatives.”
One of the latest developments in the Durban Green Corridors initiative is the Green Hub in Blue Lagoon Park. Sithole describes this as “Durban’s Green Heart”. An innovative, sustainable and environmentally responsible building, it houses nature-based tourism and sustainable living information and also promotes responsible tourism product.
The Green Hub also serves as the base and trail hub for the Durban Green Corridor’s canoeing, hiking, mountain-biking, bird-watching and cultural tours up into the uMngeni Valley, inland to Inanda Dam and on further to iSithumba in the beautiful Valley of a Thousand Hills.