The South African Police Service has arrested six suspects implicated in airport follow-home crime. SAPS is now investigating the possibility that suspects arrested on Friday night may be the same individuals responsible for the robbery of seven foreign visitors at Colette Drive on Thursday night last week, according to police spokesperson, Brigadier Vishnu Naidoo.
One of the suspects was a manager at Mafoko Security Patrols. The company has since distanced itself from the arrest, saying in a statement released on Monday: "We had no prior knowledge of (the suspects’) actions and we were not aware that our vehicles were misused for the commission of these crimes. The individuals acted in their own personal capacity and outside of our scope of services. We are co-operating with law-enforcement authorities in these investigations and we are assisting in whatever way possible to ensure that the perpetrators atone for their heinous crimes.”
Mafoko says the suspects’ line of work does not include that particular site. “The alleged ‘security company manager’ was deployed elsewhere and his line of work required that he be provided with a marked security vehicle at all times, a privilege which he has clearly abused.”
When asked what processes were being put in place to ensure that another incident such as this does not occur again within Mafoko Security Patrols, the company declined to comment.
Naidoo told News24 that the SAPS team who made the Friday arrest, acted on information, monitored a security vehicle and discovered that this vehicle was following a sedan from OR Tambo travelling towards Sandton. Police stopped the security vehicle with two men inside. One of the men, the security manager, was wanted for possession of an unlicensed firearm and an armed robbery in Limpopo province. Both were arrested on the scene.
Naidoo added that four other men were arrested in Hillbrow, Johannesburg, in the early hours of Saturday morning. All six suspects are between 23 and 38 years of age. Police found several incriminating items on the scene, including the security vehicle, during the arrests in Hillbrow.
Dorian Toussaint, CEO of Professional Passenger Services (the transport company involved in the incident) said the police were efficient and to the point. “They were very decisive in their actions and demands.”
He said assistance arrived immediately after the robbery took place. “Emergency services, including medical services, flying squad, police, forensics and appointed inspectors, promptly arrived on the scene. The injured passenger was taken to hospital. Numerous statements were taken from all the victims. The vehicle was thoroughly inspected for fingerprints and other evidence and photos were taken. The driver was interrogated for around two hours at the venue in private. All available supporting documentation including video, tracking records and driver records were forwarded on to the appointed inspector.”
A Professional Passenger Services (PPS) back-up vehicle was sent to the scene to assist in taking the guests to the hotel and to collect the injured guest from hospital.
Toussaint adds that the incident impacted his operations. “The driver was unable to work for a number of days. There was also ongoing and unnecessary administration and reporting required on the matter. My staff had to be briefed and updated on the incident. Costs were incurred that included coding of replacement keys, providing financial support for the affected driver, transport costs etc. Operationally support staff were called in to work overtime while the affected driver was booked off. Business did, however, carry on as normal the following day, on the whole, and the vehicle was in operation without any down time.”
However, he says PPS is using this as an opportunity to further empower staff. “The video and incident will be used in training to educate and inform my staff of what to expect and how to react to such a situation. I will also gladly share our experience and video with the industry, in order for them to do the same.”
NOTE WEBINAR: Join the CEO of South African Tourism and the South African Police Service in a discussion with the trade on how we can best protect our tourists.