Foxes Safari Camps has launched its third promotional short film, Rufiji River Camp, showcasing the setting within Nyerere National Park with wildlife living in and around Tanzania’s Rufiji River.
The short film shows a glimpse of life around the river – from birds flying in formation above the water to crocodiles basking in the sun along the riverside as well as the camp’s evening bonfires, golden hour in the dining area and cosy tented rooms.
In the 1980s, Rufiji River Camp was the first lodge to be built in the north-eastern section of Nyerere National Park. It was rebuilt further inland and renovated by Foxes Safari Camps in 2010 for protection against floods during the El Niño climate event and the rainy season.
The park is home to over 440 bird species and one third of the world’s wild dog population. Depending on the season and time of year, guests can experience Nyerere’s wildlife on a game drive, walking safari or river boat.
Watch the short film here: